
Monday, April 2, 2007

Nobody is suffering more than the Palestinian people

Kristof is distressed that the Democratic Party leadership is too supportive of the State of Israel. He says that he prefers the view of U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Barak Obama who recently stated, “Nobody is suffering more than the Palestinian people,” for which he says Obama was “scolded.”
Kristof blames Israel for all the troubles of the Mideast citing the speech of King Abdullah of Jordan as proof. The King stated, “The wellspring of regional division, the source of resentment and frustration far beyond, is the denial of justice and peace in Palestine.”
Kristof denounces President Bush for treating Israel as an ally. He writes that he would prefer the relationship that existed before the Bush administration with the U.S. role as “an honest broker in the Middle East” and having a “tradition of balance.”

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